Friday, September 28, 2012

Get rid of blackheads on the nose in the traditional way


Men and women definitely get annoyed if the face is decorated blackheads. Tiny black dots white also often nest in the face, especially the nose, and chin area T, often undermine confidence.

Blackheads are dirt plug the pores are small, black or white. They can arise due to accumulation of sebum and keratin, which makes enlarged pores. From where dust and dirt into the pores. Make skin appears the clogged and blackheads.

Often, many people do reckless ways to eliminate, such as squeeze blackheads with dirty hands. However, it makes the skin inflamed. It would be better solved by a simple blackheads as using egg whites.
As quoted by page Times of India, Sunday, September 16, 2012, the health and beauty of skin experts believe that the egg whites were able to eliminate the black spots on the face, cope with dry skin, soften the skin, making the face was not wrinkled tight, capable black blemishes scars acne, and many more benefits.
Egg whites contain proteins that can regenerate damaged skin and also moisturizes the skin.

 So make our skin becomes younger and naturally beautiful.
To remove stubborn blackheads, separate the yolk and egg white. In the meantime, wash your face with soap.

Then, heat the water and place it in the container. Put your face on the container and let it warm steam opens the pores. After that, dry with a soft towel. New apply egg white around the face to the neck area.

Let stand until egg whites dry, usually about 10 to 15 minutes. Once dry, wash your face using a damp towel, then rinse with water. Make sure there is no residual egg stuck to the skin. Do this several times and blackheads are reluctant to perch again.



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