Uncircumcised penis, Female Condom Should Sedia
Uncircumcised penis, Female Condom Should Sedia
For some, the ritual circumcision is a very important thing. However, when meeting with couples who do, it's important to provide contraceptives.
Ritual circumcision is obligatory in some religions or beliefs. Whether for reasons of religion or health, circumcision is essential. However, a survey of Americans showed a circumcision rate of approximately 79 percent to 55 percent over the past two decades.
For women, this should lead to unrest. Because the uncircumcised penis has the potential to transmit sexual diseases.
"The organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be gathered under the skin of the penis is not circumcised," said Deborah Nucatola, MD, senior director of community health services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Furthermore, the study shows uncircumcised penis has cells that HIV targets.
Regardless of the risk, you can still feel sexual pleasure with uncircumcised partners. Here's a review, as quoted in Women's Health Mag.
Contraception can "save" you from the risks that may occur. However, make sure he wore when Mr. P in a state totally erect. If there are some parts of the outer skin covering the penis, help to pull it back. Not only do you justify his position, but he also honed sensitivity, because many parts of Mr. P to be touched.
Make sure Mr. P is not in the dry state, both inside and outside the condom. First, coat the inside of the condom with a few drops of oil, then you are free to provide lubrication as you like. However, remember to use water-based lubricants. Because oil-based lubricants will damage the condom and make it ineffective.
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