Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Vasokonstriksi (Narrowing of blood vessels) or the more common, and we are familiar with the wind sitting

There's an interesting article about the wind sits experienced one of my co-workers who may also be able to give input on "Wind Sit" one of the many diseases that bring death, but what actually wind sits that? Well there is one of his ga we try to listen to the following article:
Yesterday there was an office friend who died at the age 31 with the single status. According to doctors who also mourn, probable cause is the wind sits, because the next morning he was still in office, even during recess to ask permission to go home because of a headache.
Incidentally person shared a bedroom with her sister who also works in the same office, and still managed to wake his sister asked eucalyptus oil about half the 12 nights and morning when woken up early morning to go to the office, it turns out his brother had died with sleeping position with a slight pain, and blue around the neck. Based on that I inform you a bit about the cool breeze sitting or name of Acute Coronary Syndrome.Wind Sitting with Acute Coronary Syndrome In just 15 minutes to 30 minutes, people who develop wind can sit but died, patients, previously seen in good health.
The medical world over the last two years successfully identify new terms that are familiar heart disease d isebut wind sits. Apparently, the disease is not just a heavy cold, but identical with Acute Coronary Syndrome Heart Attack (SSJKA).
Identification of this term, according to Professor Field of Medicine Faculty of medicine, Prof. Dr. Dr. Teguh Santoso.SpPD, in Jakarta last week. Marking a major correction to the myths that developed in the community over the years. That was a great wind entered a dangerous disease, and can lead to death within 15 to 30 minutes since the first attack.
So said Teguh again, if you suddenly felt chest pain, should not do any physical activity, including sex. Immediately go to a hospital that provides cardiac Emergency handling facilities.
Remember also. It should not be more than 15 minutes after the first attack of pain. Acute coronary syndrome is a heart attack is the latest invention addressed the end of many a wrong action. For example, people scraped, given a hot drink, or given herbs to remove the wind. In fact, the patient may die suddenly without any signs of illness.
It comes in the middle of chest pain, such as:
- Pain is pressed- Taste kneaded, spread to the neck, left arm and right, and solar plexus.- Burning sensation with shortness of breath and sweating.
This pain may spread to both right or left jaw teeth, shoulders, and back. More specifically, there is also accompanied by bloating in the gut like a cold or an ulcer.
Only real source of the problem lies in the narrowing of the heart's blood vessels (vasoconstriction).
The narrowing is caused by four things:
- The pile-fat (atherosclerosis) in the arteries due to high cholesterol intake.- Blockage (thrombosis) by the blood of frozen cells (thrombus).- Vasoconstriction or narrowing of blood vessels due to ongoing seizures.- Infection of the blood vessels. Refinement was, he added, leading to a reduction of oxygen that enters the heart.The imbalance of supply the oxygen needs of the body results in chest pain in medical terms is called angina.but Teguh said, should distinguish between complaints of pain in heart attacks acute coronary syndromes (SSJKA) with coronary heart disease (SJK) (myocardial infarction).
At SJK, angina due to total blockage of the coronary arteries due to excessive physical activity. While the SSJKA angina caused total blockage is not perceived at rest.
"This is sudden.Bukan SSJKA as fatigue, colds, or other diseases. Usually the patient will die later than fifteen minutes after the first complaint of pain is felt. "Said Teguh.
People should be aware of these complaints angina. Because the patient before his will seem perfectly healthy. The only solution is loosen the blockage that occurs, by providing anti-platelet (blood clotting cells) and anti-coagulants. Alternatively, a drug to anticipate imbalance of oxygen supply and oxygen demand. For example, nitrate, betabloker, and calcium antagonists.
Separately, cardiologist dr Harapan Kita Heart Hospital. Santoso Karo-Karo MPH, SpJP reveal the condition of hospitals in Indonesia is not too be expected for treatment SSJKA. Hospitals seem slow to handle patients. For that he suggested that people who already know that he has heart problems should take antiplatelet tablet wherever he goes.
Antiplatelet drugs are the most inexpensive and easy in looking for is aspirin. The drug is useful in addition to the first aid to overcome the pain and loosen the blood vessels clogged by thrombosit or platelets (blood clotting cells).


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