Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to Take Care of Proper female organs

Maintain and care for the female organs (vagina or often called Miss V) is very important. However, due to lack of information on this subject in formal education (still considered a taboo) many women just made a mistake in taking care of her female organs. Where it will be bad.
So that these mistakes do not happen again, it's good to read an article the women how to care for the female organs following:
1. Cleanliness of the waterWater hygiene essential. During defecation, women often do not notice the water used for rinsing. Reservoir water from a bucket or tub clean is not necessarily due to contaminated dirt or germs. When the dirty wash water, bacteria can get into the female sex organ. The best way is to collect water directly from the tap.
2. Soap specialThere has been no specific studies regarding special soap on female sex organs. However, too often clean the sex organs with special soap is not recommended.
In our sex organs, there are bacteria that works as a protection from germs that enter. Too frequent use of antiseptic or soap specifically feminine area will kill the protective bacteria.
According to Elizabeth Steward, MD, Director of Vulvovaginal Service at Harvard Vanguard Medical Association, the U.S.., Cleansers and toners Miss V is not required.
"No need soap to keep the vagina healthy and fresh. Just clean with warm water, though still soft products should be used, "he explained.
3. Complaints of itching
Although itching, try not to scratch your genitals or wash with warm water to relieve itching. Because what happens then, feminine area we will be more red and itchy. If the itching is unbearable, compressed Miss V with ice water.
Coldness of ice water will make the blood vessels shrink so reduced redness and itching. It could also compress boiled water betel leaf which has antiseptic properties. However, first let cool before use.
4. PantylinerMany women use a pantyliner when before and after menstruation. Some are using it for everyday use. Must remember, after every bowel habit change pantyliner because the liquid has been absorbed before will make the sex organs become too damp when silenced.
You have to be alert because if allowed, in addition to grow mold or harmful bacteria, this practice can lead to infection of the sex organs.
5. TightsUse of pants, including underwear, which really is not too tight prohibited. Just do not get too long or often wear tights. Especially if you sweat easily. Absorbed sweat pants, containing a fatty substance that can cause mildew on the female sex organs.
After using a pair of jeans or tight pants, let your sex organs to rest with baggy clothes to breathe. Get used to also change underwear at least twice a day for Miss V remain hygienic.
6. Shaving pubic hairFor those of you who have extra bushy pubic hair. Besides disturbing, hair around sex organs that are too heavy can also withstand sweat so the potential for fungi to proliferate.
However, you should also be observant. Because, if you intend to shave it down. The hair or fur protects the vagina from infection and friction. Shave it down, potentially capable of causing irritation and bacterial growth.
Advice from Melissa Goist, MD, a gynecologist from The Ohio State University Medical Center, USA., Always use a new razor, warm water and shaving cream to reduce the risk of infection. Pubic hair shaving pubic lips only to the extent if you still want to cut it


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