Beauty Skin Care Tips. Maintaining the health and beauty of the face is very important. Because the area around the face is the first part that people will see when they met. Face a healthy, beautiful and well maintained will give a good impression on a first impression.Many women are actually beautiful, but it does not look attractive because it is less able to care for her. Well,
ladies if including one woman who could not care for skin health, here
we give some minor tips for beauty care and health of your skin as
reported by the Times of India website.6. Eating rightEating lots of fruit and vegetables, plenty of vitamin A, C, and E. Foods rich in nutrients that help skin problems because it contains a lot of antioxidants.5. Routine exerciseIf you would like more shining face, facials are not the only option. Exercise also need to help improve blood circulation and oxygen capacity. Walk on the treadmill and enjoy the healthy rays of the morning sun.4. Clean hands and neckRawat hands and your neck, like you treat the face. How, by washing, cleaning, and moisturizing the neck area. Apply suitable creams and rub on the neck and hands that shines as bright as your skin.3. Use moisturizerMake sure you have a body moisturizer lotion. It helps you hide spider veins on the legs, and give a slimming effect.
2. Use a sunscreen creamSunscreen is a guarantee for youthful skin. UV rays are the source of the cause of skin cancer, and aging. Make sure your skin is protected with sunscreen, wear at least 15 minutes before going outdoors.1. Drinking waterIt's not a secret anymore. Make sure you drink enough. Your skin will feel more humid, and makes it look healthier.Okay ladies, that's a few tips on maintaining health and beauty of the face. May be useful for you who need it.
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