Tuesday, December 3, 2013

" New " Technology Laser Vaginal Tightening

Still remember the number of vaginal care ? such as Vaginoplasty , Labiaplasty and so on . This time there are types of vaginal latest treatments , namely Femilift .As written Dailymail , femilift a procedure to tighten vaginal muscles without surgery using laser technology that is inserted into the vagina . But this new vaginal treatments at Courthouse Clinic in London .
According to Courthouse Clinic Medical Director , Dr Patrick Bowler , this technology is a major breakthrough . Due to repair the weakened vaginal muscles after childbirth , or menopause , total vaginal tissue can be reshaped using a laser .
This procedure takes half an hour and does not involve surgery at a cost of 1,800 pounds, or about USD 35 million for the five sessions during each 30 minutes and is done every 2 to 4 weeks , " he said .
Patrick said , aiming the laser technology to induce collagen contraction and elasticity of the vagina to create a small vaginal canal .




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