Sunday, March 3, 2013

Whether | soy is one type of food that should be avoided for gout sufferers

That's right, soy is one type of food that should be avoided for gout sufferers, but healthy food to be consumed by people with cholesterol is certainly not limited to the soy or processed soybeans.
The first key in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, is not to increase the intake of cholesterol through diet, is not it? So your husband should avoid eating red meat, egg yolks (to get the nutritional goodness of eggs, egg whites enough to consume just one item a day, not more), various types of offal, animal fats and foods containing animal fats such as milk with fat, cheese and other dairy. And this of course completely in line with the conditions of your husband uric acid, because these types of foods mentioned above is also a source of protein that is producing purines should be avoided in patients with gout.
The second key is how cholesterol that already exist in the body, can be reduced. Well, here's the function eating high fiber foods and exercising. High fiber can serve as a 'trap' beads of fat and cholesterol, and carried on until lost from the body through feces. Therefore, each meal is recommended to consume adequate fiber intake, at least 8 grams per meal. Fiber is also very good in maintaining gastrointestinal health from the dangers of colon cancer. Fiber can be obtained from vegetables and fruits, it is advisable to consume lots of raw vegetables (salad or raw salad with a smear of olive oil or honey) to obtain additional benefits of vitamins and various antioxidants, especially fruits that contain high lycopene can help prevent cancer, such as tomatoes, mango, watermelon, papaya as well, and can be added as well as by eating oatmeal at breakfast. As for exercise, can help the body to burn stored fats under the skin. These fats are a source of cholesterol as well, and of course, excess fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area can increase the risk of heart disease. Exercise may be anything, as long as regular walking was very helpful, and would be more excited if this sport can be accompanied by loved ones, that's you.
The age of your spouse is still very young, it would be a pity if the age was very productive for the work should be disturbed by various diseases commonly suffered by "parent". Support you as the nearest person is needed to help the healing, so help it by providing good food for him, if necessary respect to the way you had come to follow healthy lifestyles. Certainly very useful also for you, is not it?


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