Sunday, October 7, 2012

Demands intimidated Modern Women, Men Wear tonic

Demands intimidated Modern Women, Men Wear tonic

Intimidated by the demands of modern women, men use a powerful drug .
Many men out there who secretly feel less able to satisfy their partner, so taking Viagra to demonstrate their performance. What caused the man to do it all?

Sexual life does require a balance with each other, where of course you want a happy couple. Feeling not want to disappoint mate, any way you might do, one of them taking the medicine men booster.

Harley Street psychosexual counselor Raymond Francis says that he saw approximately 15 men almost every month are needed tonic for the performance of their sexual relationship. The average age of those who used it approximately 32 years old and the youngest 27 years of age.

But Raymond, who works at the Apex Practice saying, "I think this is just a small example of the problems that men face. These men obviously did not have the problem of physical disorders that cause them trouble erection. Which resulted in them feeling should require that drug is that they want a lot of expectations in them, based on what you believe about what women want in bed. "

In most cases, Raymond said, male patients severely affected due to see the impressions of porn on the internet since they were teens. "Sometimes these men have so deeply desire and unrealistic expectations of the women they want," he added, as quoted Dailymail.

Raymond said, the other thing is that they generally felt he was intimidated by the sexual beliefs and demands of today's modern woman.

"Women are now very leading and powerful," said Raymond. "They feel that have the right to dictate the speed of male sexual."

Today, career women who have been raised in a culture of success to try freedom and strength in her sex life as well. This may only occur on the first or second generation, but there has been a turnaround. So, feeling the pressure, the men brought their sexuality performance concerns in sexual life every day.


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