Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Muscular fat or slim Fatty

Having a slim body is the dream of almost everyone, even recommended by health experts. But just basing assessment on Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered less accurate, because the fat or thin is not a guarantee of healthy living.
BMI is the ratio between height and weight. A person with a BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 is said to underweight or too thin, 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 considered normal, 25-29.9 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, overweight including up called obesity.
Comparisons in Indonesian called Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely used to assess the risk of chronic diseases such as heart problems, diabetes and other metabolic syndromes. However, BMI is not the only indicator of health.
"BMI is one of the indexes are not valid because it can not provide an overview of the composition as a whole," said a medical practitioner, Dr. Phaidon L Toruan, when contacted by the source.Described by dr Phaidon, the human body consists of various components of the bone, fat, organs, and muscles. Bones and internal organs relatively invariable composition, but the fat and muscle easily change depending on diet and physical activity.
Someone who had a normal BMI for example, is not necessarily healthy if it turns out too many fat composition compared to muscle and other components. Similarly, although BMI has entered overweight, if a little fat is not necessarily vulnerable to disease.
As an illustration, bodybuilding athletes are very likely to have a disproportionate weight as measured by BMI calculation. While it may be somewhat overweight, the condition can be very healthy because of the weight is muscle mass while very little fat.
It was confirmed also by Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO, sports health experts from RS Mitra Kemayoran, who also handles the national badminton athletes in Managing committee PBSI (Indonesian Badminton Association).
"For example, there are people whose weight and height are equal, ie, 90 kg and 170 cm. Though similar, one could be a true obese and one heavy because muscle. Use only if BMI is inadequate," said Dr. Michael.
How to measure fat? The easiest way to determine the composition of the fat as said by Dr. Michael is by using fat analyzer. The trick with a pinching certain parts, if easily pinched the fat deposits under the skin much more than if pinched hard.
For those who like to work out in the fitness centers, could also use a digital fat analyzer that uses the reflection of the wave impedance. Stay standing on the tool, then the levels of fat, muscle, bones and fluids will be scanned automatically.
"For screening style like this is quite accurate. Measurement but it stood, while the fluid in the body is in the lowest place so its accuracy can not be trusted 100 percent. If possible, find a measurement that is measured in bed skin surface," said Dr. Michael.
Fat levels were normal according to Dr. Michael is determined by age and sex. However, as an illustration, dr Phaidon said fat levels in men and women by 20 percent could still be said to be healthy. If more than 30 percent, should be careful because it will face many health risks such as heart disorders and diabetes.
More specifically, the distribution of fat also affects the health risk. Composition, high-fat evenly distributed throughout the body relatively safer than concentrated in certain areas especially the stomach. Belly fat is also called visceral fat, which is characterized by belly fat is the most powerful indicator to experience a variety of health problems.


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